Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based
Proactive and Personalised Primary Care of the Elderly
Proactive Care
Armstrong K, 2012
Dr Katie Armstrong. NHS Agenda Item No6, AppendixA : Proactively caring for the elderly and those with complex need in Sussex, 2012.
Beswick AD, 2008
Beswick AD, Rees K, Dieppe P, Ayis S, Gooberman-Hill R, Horwood J, et al.: Complex interventions to improve physical function and maintain independent living in elderly people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 2008, 371(9614):725-735.
BGS, 2014
British Geriatrics Society (2014) Fit For Frailty : Consensus best practice guidance for the care of older people living with frailty in community and outpatient settings.
Lyndon L, 2014
Helen Lyndon and Dr Grant Stevens : Toolkit for general practice in supporting older people with frailty and achieving the requirements of the Unplanned Admissions Enhanced Service (2014)
Mitton OT, 2012
Mytton OT, Oliver D, Mirza N, Lippett J, Chatterjee A, Ramcharitar K, Maxwell J. Avoidable acute hospital admission in older people. Brit J of Healthcare Management 2012;18 (11) 597-603
NHS, 2012
Proactively caring for the elderly and those with complex need in Sussex.
NHS-1, 2014
Providing proactivecare and avoiding unplanned admissions for vulnerable people : A programme of action for general practice
NHS-2, 2014
Proactive care programme : CCG support for implementation
NHS, 2015
Proactive Care, West Sussex County Council
Raiche M, 2006
PRISMA-7: A case-finding tool to identify older adults with moderate to severe disabilities. Raîche, Michel et al. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics , Volume 47 , Issue 1 , 9 - 18, 2006.
These references relate to the four sectors
of the Proactive Care chapter of this toolkit
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