Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based
Proactive and Personalised Primary Care of the Elderly

The Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence Adult version
Purpose :
The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence - Adult version helps family physicians document the severity of nicotine dependence, and indications for prescribing medication for nicotine withdrawal
The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence - Adolescent version helps family physicians document the severity of nicotine dependence, and indications for prescribing medication for nicotine withdrawal in adolescents aged 14-20
The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence - Vaping version helps family physicians document the severity of nicotine dependence, and indications for prescribing medication for nicotine withdrawal in users of e-cigarettes
Admin time : 5-10 min
User Friendly : High
Administered by : GP or nurse
Content : 6 questions that are pertaining to : Quantity of cigarettes consumed, urge to use, and dependence.
Author :
Original Fagerström Test : Fagerström K.O. Measuring degree of physical dependence to tobacco smoking with reference to individualization of treatment. Addictive Behaviors, 1978. 3(3-4): 235-241.
Revised Fagerström Test : Heatherton, T.F., Kozlowski, L.T., Frecker, R.C., Fagerstrom, K.O. (1991). The Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence: A revision of the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire.
Copyright : Public Domain. May be downloaded and used with appropriate acknowledgement.
The Revised Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence
Short and easy to use (Heatherton TF, 1991)
Closely related to biochemical indices of heaviness of smoking (Heatherton TF, 1991)
Correlates with psychological aspects of dependency rather than physical aspects (Lombardo TW, 1988)
Accuracy :
sensitivity 75% and specificity between 85% (de Meneses-Gaya IC, 2009)

This Tool is used in the assessment of Smoking in Late life
Back To : Smoking in Late Life

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This is one of several topics presented in the Thorny Issues sector of this toolkit