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Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based
Proactive and Personalised Primary Care of the Elderly

Geriatrics : Modern History - UK

  • Adams GF, 1975 

Adams GF. Eld health—origins and destiny of British geriatrics. Age Ageing1975;4:65–8.



  • Amurlee L, 1971 

Amulree L. Twenty five years of geriatrics. Br J Clin Pract1971;25:97–104.



  • Arie T, 1973 

Arie T, Dunn T. A “do-it-yourself ” psychiatric-geriatrics joint patient unit. Lancet1973;ii:1313–16.



  • Arie T, 1979 

Arie T. Day care in geriatric psychiatry, 1978. Age Ageing1979;8(suppl):87–91.



  • Bagnall WE, 1977 

Bagnall WE, Datta SR, Knox J, et al. Geriatric medicine in Hull: a comprehensive service. BMJ1977;ii:102–4.


  • Barton A, 2003

A Barton, G Mulley. History of the development of geriatric medicine in the UK. Postgrad Med J 2003;79:229-234



  • Benjamin A, 1769

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  • Bennett G, 1992

Bennett G, Ebrahim S. The essentials of health care of the elderly. London: Edward Arnold, 1992.


  • Bliss MR, 1967 Bliss MR, McLaren R, Exton-Smith AN. Preventing pressure sores in hospital: controlled trial of a large-celled ripple mattress. BMJ1967;i:394–7.


  • Brocklehurst JC, 1998 

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  • Charcot JM, 1881 

Charcot JM. Clinical lectures on senile and chronic diseases. London: New Sydenham Society, 1881.


  • Cosin L, 1954

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  • Cross VH, 1977 

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  • Devas MB, 1971 

Devas MB. Early walking of geriatric amputees. BMJ1971;i:394–6.


  • Devas MB, 1974 

Devas MB. Geriatric orthopaedics. BMJ1974;i:190–2.


  • DHSS, 1970 

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Dudley NJ, Burns E. The influence of age on policies for admission and thrombolysis in coronary care units in the United Kingdom. Age Ageing1992;21:95–8.



  • Droller H, 1955

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  • Evans JG, 1983 

Evans JG. Integration of geriatric with general medical services in Newcastle. Lancet1983;i:1430–3.


  • Evans JG, 2001 

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  • Exton-Smith AN, 1949 

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  • Exton-Smith AN, 1952 

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  • Exton-Smith AN, 1962 

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  • George J, 1989 

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  • Howell TH, 1974 

Howell TH. Origins of the BGS. Age Ageing1974;3:69–72.



  • Irvine RE, 1983

Irvine RE. Geriatric orthopaedics in Hastings: the collaborative management of elderly women with fractured neck of femur. Advanced Geriatric Medicine1983: 130–6.


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Irvine RE. Eluned Woodford-Williams. Munk’s Roll1984–88;8:550.


  • Irvine RE, 1987 

Irvine RE. Forty years on. BGS Annual Report1986–87.


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Irvine RE. Norman Exton-Smith. Munk’s Roll1989–93;9:160–6.


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Irvine RE. George F Adams—“Our founders” series. BGS Newsletter1989.


  • Irvine RE, 1989c 

Irvine RE. Lionel Cosin—“Our founders” series. BGS Newsletter1989.


  • Irvine RE, 1989d 

Irvine RE. John Agate—“Our founders” series. BGS Newsletter1989.


  • Irvine RE, 1999a

Irvine RE. Michael Bertrand Devas. BMJ1999;318:946.



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  • Isaacs B, 1965 

Isaacs B. An introduction to geriatrics. London: Balliere, Tindall and Cassell, 1965.


  • Isaacs B, 1973

Isaacs B, Marks R. Determination of outcome of stroke rehabilitation. Age Ageing1973;2:139–49


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Isaacs B. Five years experience of a stroke unit. Health Bull (Edinb)1977;35:94–8


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Isaacs B. Ageing and the doctor. In: Hobman D, ed. The impact of ageing. London: Croom Helm, 1981.


  • Khaw KT, 1999 

Khaw KT. How many, how old, how soon? BMJ1999;319:1350–2.



  • Matthews DA, 1984 

Matthews DA. Dr Marjory Warren and the origin of British geriatrics. J Am Geriatr Soc1984;32:253–8.



  • Moore-Smith B,1999 

Moore-Smith B. John Norman Agate. BMJ1999;318:401.


  • Nascher IL, 1909

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  • Omu N, 2002 

Omu N, Butt A, Shabbir S. Old age psychiatry. BMJ2002;324:153.


  • Pathy MSJ, 1998 

Pathy MSJ. Principles and practice of geriatric medicine. 3rd Ed. Chichester: John Wiley, 1998


  • RCP, 1977 

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  • Richardson R, 1989 

Richardson R, Hunvitz B. Joseph Rogers and the reform of workhouse medicine. BMJ1989;299:1507–10.


  • Rush B, 1793

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  • Scott CJ, 1975 

Scott CJ. George Day and diseases of advanced life. The Practitioner1975;214:832–6.


  • Sheldon JH, 1948 

Sheldon JH. The social medicine of old age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1948


  • Tonks A, 1999 

Tonks A. Medicine must change to serve an ageing society. BMJ1999;319:1450–1.



  • Van der Cammen TJ, 1987

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  • Wakley T, 1840 

Wakley T. Mortality in poor-law workhouses. Lancet1840–1;ii:194.


  • Warren MW, 1943 

Warren MW. Care of chronic sick. A case for treating chronic sick in blocks in a general hospital. BMJ1943;ii:822–3.


  • Warren MW, 1946 

Warren MW. Care of the chronic aged sick. Lancet1946;i:841–3.


  • Wykes L, 2001 

Wykes L. Sir William Ferguson Anderson. BGS Newsletter2001.


  • Zeeli D, 1988

Zeeli D, Isaacs B. The efficiency and effectiveness of geriatric day hospitals. Postgrad Med J1988;64:683–6


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