Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based
Proactive and Personalised Primary Care of the Elderly
Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing
Purpose : Monitor the change in pressure ulcer status over time
Admin time : 20 min
User Friendly : High
Administered by : Healthcare professional
Content : Scale for recording subscores of surface area, exudate, and type of wound tissue. Graphical plotting of total scores to chart change in pressure ulcer status over time
Author : National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), 1998
Copyright restrictions :
PUSH Tool Version 3.0 : 9/15/98
© National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel
Noncommercial Use
Although the PUSH Tool is copyrighted to the NPUAP, you are free to use it for education, research, and practice purposes. Non-commercial users are only required to acknowledge the NPUAP and the “Version Number” of the tool on any hard-copy or electronic reproduction.
This a research-validated tool. Therefore, NPUAP recommends that the content of the tool not be altered or modified by individual users. If you chose to modify the tool, please note that you have made modifications after citing the NPUAP as the original source.
Commercial Use
The PUSH Tool should not be used as part of any “for profit” commercial venture or enterprise without written permission of the NPUAP. Royalties may be required under these circumstances. NPUAP will give you a quote after reviewing your registration form. (Use of the PUSH Tool in the care of patients in “for profit” health care facilities is exempt from this restriction.)
This Tool is used in the assessment of
Pressure Ulcers
Back To : Pressure Ulcers
Pressure Ulcers is one of 4 conditions identified as
Geriatric Syndromes
Back To : Geriatric Syndromes