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Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based
Proactive and Personalised Primary Care of the Elderly


Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen

Purpose : Brief 3 question screen for problem and pathological gambling


Admin time : 1-3 min

User Friendly :  High

Administered by : GP or nurse 


Content : 3 Questions pertaining to gambling

Author : Gebauer, L., LaBrie, R. A., Shaffer, H. J. (2010)


Copyright : Public domain. Free to use.

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  • Short and easy to use

  • Based on DSM-IV criteria)

  • Based on a measure of thestandardized DSM-IV which has shown evidence of classification accuracy

  • Identifies 99% of all problem gamblers and 100% of all pathological gamblers as assessed by the full NODS (Volberg et al, 2011)

  • Use of a current timeframe of past 12 months

Accuracy : 

  • Sensitivity = 0.96  (Gebauer L et al, 2010)

    • A sensitivity of 96 per cent suggests that the BBGS detects 96 per cent of people with problem gambling (true positives) but that 4 per cent go undetected (false negatives).

  • Specificity = 0.99  (Gebauer L et al, 2010)

    • A specificity of 99 per cent suggests that the BBGS correctly reports 99 per cent of people without problem gambling as negative (true negatives) but that one percent without problem gambling are incorrectly identified as positive (false positives).

  • Positive predictive value = 0.74

    • A positive predictive value of 0.74 suggests that 74 per cent of people who screen positive on the BBGS will be identified as a problem gambler.

  • Negative predictive value = 0.98

    • A negative predictive value of 0.98 suggests that 98 per cent of people who screen negative on the BBGS will be correctly identified as a non-problem gambler.


This Tool is used in the assessment of Gambling in Late life

Back To : Gambling in Late Life

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