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Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based
Proactive and Personalised Primary Care of the Elderly

Toolkit Content

Partners and Editors

   Main Sections of the Toolkit  

In the Toolkit Home Page ...

... you will find the 5  main sections of the Toolkit,

each section presenting definitions, explanations and resources for :

So, for example :

the first section which is presented,

the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment section, ...

... contains a definition

as well as access to a Read More page with extra information about the CGA.

These Read More pages delve deeper into the subject in each section.


All material is fully referenced.

For example :

CGA based primary care is instrumental in reducing the incidence of hospital admissions from care homes (Molloy DW, 2000) .

References are listed separately for each Toolkit section


and each reference is linked to the original article.

For example :

  • Molloy DW, 2000

Molloy DW et al. Systematic implementation of an advance directive programme in nursing homes: a randomized control trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2000, 283:1437–1444 


Domains and Sub-domains  

Where appropriate, the sections are divided into domains.

For example :

In the CGA page ...

... the 8 domains of assessment in a CGA are defined and discussed

Where appropriate, the domains are further sub-divided into sub-domains.

For example :

In  the Medical Assessment page .....

... the 5 sub-domains of Medical Assessment in a CGA are defined and discussed


Appropriate Tools are presented for each section of the toolkit .

For Example :

In the Bone Health Assessment page ...

... tools for the assessment of Bone Health are presented :

Each tool is immediately available to download , print and use

Each tool comes with a brief description of the tool

- it's purpose

- time required to administer

- how user friendly it is

- its content and author

The majority of tools is free to use for clinical use. Where applicable, the tool's cover-sheet will provide notes pertaining to copyright, pay-to-use requirements, and possible restrictions for use

For example :

For the tool FRAX...

... a profile of the tool is provided ...

... with further information provided for some tools

to optimise the GP's understanding and effective use of the tool

and provide guidance on the scoring and interpretation of results.

For example :

Some tools are available in downloadable desktop format, mobile device format, and online versions.

For example :

Resources Index

The Resources Index pages contain ...

Tools index

- links to the dozens of tools in the toolkit - in alphabetical order

- links to the sections in the toolkit where you will find each tool

Handouts index

- information about patient handouts in the toolkit

- links to the handouts

- links to the sections in the toolkit where you will find each handout


Videos index

- links to the videos in the toolkit - in alphabetical order

- links to the sections in the toolkit where you will find each tool

Kits index

- information about Topical Collections of resources presented as kits in CGA Toolkit Plus

- links to the resources

- links to the sections in the toolkit where you will find each kit


Videos Index
 Kits Index

Other Domains and Sub-domains

The same Toolkit structure described above is repeated for the other main sections of Toolkit.

So, the Psychological Assessment domain of the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment ...

... includes 4 sub-domains,

each compete with definitions, fully referenced extra information

and ready to use Tools and Resources :

Similarly, the Toolkit Main Section dealing with Geriatric Syndromes ...

... includes 6 domains,

each compete with definitions, fully referenced extra information

and ready to use Tools and Resources :

Thorny Issues

The Thorny Issues section of the Toolkit ...

... contains articles on :

- when to stop driving

- alcohol problems in late life

- elder abuse

- smoking in late life

- and more ...

providing the GP with :

- guidance and tips on how to approach these difficult topics with patients and carers

- appropriate tools pertaining

Making It Happen

The Making It Happen section of the Toolkit, located on the Homepage ...

... contains sample case studies illustrating the journey of implementation of a more CGA based, proactive, personalised care of the elderly in a GP practice.

Contact Us

The Contact Us section of the Toolkit, located on the Homepage ...

Contact Us, CGA based Proactive Primary Care of the Elderly
Contact Us

... contains contact details and a form for submission of correspondence


The Translate section of the Toolkit, located on the Homepage ...

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

... contains instructions on how to translate the entire CGA Toolkit Plus into more than 100 languages.

About This Toolkit

The About This Toolkit section of the Toolkit ...

... is home to the :

- Introduction to CGA Toolkit Plus

- Challenges, Definitions and Solutions in the implementation process

- Toolkit Content

- Toolkit History detailing the evolution of this Toolkit

- Privacy Policy

- Terms and Conditions of Use

Challenges, Definitions and Solutions
Toolkit Content
Toolkit History
Privacy Policy
Terms and conditions
Site Map, CGA based Proactive Primary Care of the Elderly
Copyright, CGA based Proactive Primary Care of the Elderly

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Back To : About This Toolkit

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